Using the remote control

You can find the Android JmRemote app in the Google Play Store..

When the JmRemote app is installed and running it will ask you to type the IP Addres of the computer. Go to the Preferences window in Band Minus One and select the Remote tab. You will see the IP Address of you computer there, type it in at the remote. Now check the "Remote control" option in the Preferences window. In Windows a Firewall message will appear that the program has been blocked and if you want to unblock it, press the unblock button. If you have done otherwise you can correct this by finding Band Minus One in Windows Firewall manager and unblock it. Now press the connect button in the JmRemote app on your Android device. The control buttons will become visible.

It is asumed that you have a local network with Wifi in your home. That will be the case in most houses. If you don't have one or if you are away from home, then you can create your own local wireless network (better known as portable WIFI hotspot) using your Android device. Most Android device have this option in the Wireless & Networks part of the Settings app. When it is set up you need to connect your computer to this local network. After that the procedure is the same as decribed above.

The help button on the JmRemote app will show the following explanation of the buttons:

Press the Help button again to remove this text.
Play / Stop: Start playing the current song or stop if already playing.
Show Songlist: List the folders and songfiles on the diskdrive of your desktop computer.
Show Stylelist: List the folders and stylefiles on the diskdrive of your desktop computer.
Tempo Up: Increase the tempo of the current song with 10.
Tempo Down: Decrease the tempo of the current song with 10.
Transp. Up: Make all the chords 1 semitone higher.
Transp. Down: Make all the chords 1 semitone lower.
Song- and stylelist items:
<<foldername>> Is the current folder.
<<foldername Is a parent of the current folder, touch it to make it the current folder.
foldername>> Is a folder inside the current folder, touch it to make it the current folder.
songname.sng Is a song that will start playing when you touch it (including the songs below it).
stylename.sty Is a style that will be loaded and played with the current song if you touch it.

Actions on the computer will not update the remote, press the Show Songlist or Show Stylelist button to get the current situation.