;Double the lenght of Main variations and add a random variety to the velocity of the notes. ;This wil create a "human feel". Define PartName1-4 String Define Elongation Numeric Define Octave Numeric Define Dice Numeric ForEachStyle PrintLine StyleName ForEachPart Let PartName1-4 = SubString PartName 1 4 If PartName1-4 = 'Main' Let Elongation = MeasuresInPart Let MeasuresInPart = Add MeasuresInPart Elongation ForEachTrack ForEachEvent If EventType <= 2 ;Note-on Note-off Let Measure = Add Measure Elongation InsertEvent EndIf NextEvent ForEachEvent If EventType = 1 ;note on Let Dice = Random ;result 0 thru 999 Let Dice = Divide Dice 50 ;result 0 thru 19 *** CUSTOMIZE HERE *** Let Dice = Subtract Dice 10 ;result -10 thru +9 Let DataByte2 = Add DataByte2 Dice ;modify velocity If DataByte2 < 1 Let DataByte2 = 1 EndIf If DataByte2 > 127 Let DataByte2 = 127 EndIf UpdateEvent EndIf NextEvent NextTrack EndIf NextPart SaveStyle NextStyle