;Select tracks that are played with an accoustic guitar patch. Define GuitarPatch Numeric Define NotesInTrack Numeric Define SelectStyle Numeric ForEachStyle Print '.' Let SelectStyle = 0 ForEachTrack Let GuitarPatch = 0 ForEachPart If DrumTrack = 0 Let NotesInTrack = 0 ForEachEvent If EventType = 4 ;patch If DataByte1 = 24 ;accoustic guitar nylon Let GuitarPatch = 1 EndIf EndIf If EventType = 1 ;note on Let NotesInTrack = Add NotesInTrack 1 EndIf NextEvent If GuitarPatch = 1 If NotesInTrack > 0 Let FolderName = 'c:\SelectedStyles\' ;Place selected tracks in this folder SaveTrack Let SelectStyle = 1 EndIf EndIf EndIf NextPart NextTrack If SelectStyle = 1 PrintLine StyleName Endif NextStyle