Chord Player is shareware. In the unregistered version you can't save files and playing is interrupted after 30 seconds. When you register you will receive a full version of the program and a registration key by e-mail.
Online registration costs only $9.95 and is handled by BMT Micro, Inc. You will receive an automated e-mail from BMT immediately including download instructions for the full version and the registration key.
Use the currency converter to find out what 9.95 USD is in your own currency.
Credit card and Pay Pall payments are handled by BMT Micro, Inc. A few other payment methods are offered by BMT as well. You will receive an e-mail from BMT immediately including download instructions for the full version and the registration key. Make a backup copy of the downloaded file on a CD and write the registration key on it.
BMT is a company that handles software sales for al lot of vendors. They have the know how to handle these transactions fast, cost effective and save. The information is passed thru a secured internet link. The vendors receive a copy of the order form but not including the credit card number.