Repeats and jumps
The repeat start and repeat end above mark a repeated sequence.
Often the end of a repeated sequence has two different versions. In the example above the part with is played the first time and the part with is played the second time.
Da Capo or D.C. placed above a measure means, restart from the beginning.
Da Capo Al Fine: Restart from the beginning until you reach a measure with the word "Fine" above it. Stop there.
Da Capo Al Coda: Restart from the beginning until you find the text "To Coda " above a measure. Then skip all the next measures until you find the text "Coda" above a measure. Restart playing from there.
Dal Segno: Restart from the measure marked with the Segno: .
Dal Segno Al Fine: Restart from the measure marked with the Segno: until you reach a measure with the word "Fine" above it. Stop there.
Dal Segno Al Coda: Restart from the measure marked with the Segno: until you find the text "To Coda " above a measure. Then skip all the next measures until you find the text " Coda" above a measure. Restart playing from there.
All of the indications above can be abreviated. Below is an example of a repeat and jump construction.
What actually is played is shown below.
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