Sequencer Main/Recorder view
You can load and save files in the File menu. When the play button is pressed the sequence will start to play. To stop playing press the same button. From and thru specify the bars in between which the sequence should be played. When "Loop" is checked then playing will continue from the begin after the end is reached. You can select the channel to which all MIDI In should redirected whith the selection list on the right of the loop check mark, by default it is unchanged.
To record: check the record option before pressing the play button. When "Ticks" is checked then metronome clicks will sound during recording.
Tempo specifies the initial tempo in beats/minute. The time signature can be specified by pressing its button. In the popup window you can also specify the ticks/beat (division) for the MIDI sequence. Tempo and time signature can also be included in the sequence to vary the tempo. The Silence button will silence hanging notes.
On the column on the right with header "m" are the mute/solo controls. Left click on a control to mute/unmute a channel. Right click to solo/unsolo a channel.
The instrument column shows the instrument names for the patch/msb/lsb combination as defined in menu preference>voicelist. Left click to select another instrument for this channel. Right click to erase the instrument.
The columns pat, msb and lsb show the patchnumber and the most and least significant byte of the banknumber. These three events define the instrument. Left click to edit a value, right click to erase it.
The events column shows the number of events in that channel. Click on it to launch the eventslist with events for that channel.
The colums with knobs with headers "m v p r c" are for modulation, volume, pan, reverb and chorus. The knobs with a value are displayed brighter than those without a value. When you hoover the mouse over a knob its value will be displayed below the instrument column. Right click to erase the value. Left click on a knob and drag the mouse up and down to change the value. When you do this while recording new events will be inserted at the recording time.
On the right are columns of bar/channel blocks with barnumbers at the header. Bar/channel blocks that contain notes are displayed darker. The names of patches are dispayed were they occur. Right click and select to jump to the eventlist, staff or pianoroll view or start playing from this bar.
At the bottom of the window is a virtual MIDI keyboard that can be operated with the mouse or with the computer keyboard (just the mouse in the Linux version). The keyboard characters that correspond to the keys can be moved over the virtual keyboard with the buttons on the left and the right. The values with the label Melody specify on which channel the virtual keyboard will play and the velocity of the notes.
It is also possible to play chords with the function keys F1 thru F12 (not in the Linux version and these keys will probably be assigned to other tasks in Apple OSX). To define the note in a function key chord, press down the function key and then select and unselect notes by clicking on the virtual keyboard with the function key pressed. The values with the label Chord show the channel and note velocity for the chords.