Style Editor: Create a style from scratch
Go to menu Window => Style Editor.
Go to menu File => New Style File.
In the popup window, change length to 2 and click on OK.
Click to place a checkmark at the Record option.
The metronome option appears, click to place a checkmark there too.
Click on channel 10 to select it.
Go to menu File => Edit => Track:Initialize.
Now when you play on your keyboard, you will hear percussion instruments.
Choose one of them and play a rythm pattern that is 2 bars long (1-2-3-4-1-2-3-4).
Now click on play.
The metronome will start to Play.
When the first 2 bars have past, play your rythm pattern repeatedly until you think the last repeat was OK. Only the last repeat that contains played notes will be kept.
Then click on Stop. Go to menu Edit => Quantize events and click on OK.
No click on play and listen if the played pattern sound as intended.
If it doesn't then undo both the Quantize and Record action in the Edit menu and try again.
If you find it dificult to play the notes in the correct timing then record in a lower tempo. If you are playing pattern that doen't fit in the 1/8 quantization then choose another quatization or do not quantize at all.
Remove the metronome checkmark by clicking on it.
Find a few other drumsounds and record and quantize one or more notes with each.
Click on channel 11.
Go to menu File => Edit => Track:Initialize.
Click on the Instruments column in row 11 and select 35-Fretless Bass.
Click on Play.
Play some C notes.
Play the repeated bars 1 and 2 a few times, until you think you got it right. The click on Stop.
Quantize and play to hear if it sounds right. If not, undo and try again.
Click on channel 12.
Go to menu File => Edit => Track:Initialize.
Click on the Instruments column in row 12 and select 24-Accoustic Guitar (nylon).
Click on Play.
Play a pattern with the notes C, E, G and B.
Play the repeated bars 1 and 2 a few times, until you think you got it right. The click on Stop.
Quantize and play to hear if it sounds right. If not, undo and try again.
Go to menu File => Edit =>Variation:Copy.
Click on the button above Main B and select Main A.
Click on OK.
Click on the button on the right of "Variation:" and change the variation from Main A to Main B.
Click on channel 13.
Go to menu File => Edit => Track:Initialize.
Click on the Instruments column in row 13 and select 48-String Ensemble 1.
Right click on the events column in row 13 and select Event List.
Press the i key to insert a note.
Click on the Lenght and change it to 4:0000
Press the i key three times to make three copies of the note
Change the Value1 in the second note to E5, in the third note to G5 and in the fourth note to B5.
Close the Event List.
Go to menu File => Edit => Track:Copy events.
Click on OK.
Go to menu File => Edit => Track:Paste evens.
Specify Insert at bar: 2.
Click on OK.
Remove the checkmark at Record, by clicking on it.
Adjust the volumes of the channels by dragging the knobs in column "v" up and down.
Go to menu File => Edit =>Variation:Copy.
Clickon the button above Intro A and select Main A.
Do the same for Ending A and Fill In AA.
Clickon the button above Intro B and select Main B.
Do the same for Ending B and Fill In BB.
Click on OK.
Change "Variation: " to Intro A.
Change bars from 2 to 1.
In the popup window click Yes.
Also change the bar length to 1 in variations Ending A, Fill In AA, Intro B, Ending B and Fill In BB.
Change "Variation: " to Intro B.
Click on channel 11.
Go to menu File => Edit => Track:Clear.
Select All Intro variations.
Click on OK.
Click on channel 12.
Go to menu File => Edit => Track:Clear.
Select All Intro variations.
Click on OK.
Click on channel 13.
Go to menu File => Edit => Track:Clear.
Select All Intro variations.
Click on OK.
Change "Variation: " to Ending B.
Click on channel 11.
Go to menu File => Edit => Track:Clear.
Select All Ending variations.
Click on OK.
Click on channel 12.
Go to menu File => Edit => Track:Clear.
Select All Ending variations.
Click on OK.
Click on channel 13.
Go to menu File => Edit => Track:Clear.
Select All Ending variations.
Click on OK.
Change "Variation: " to Fill In AA.
Right click on the events column in channel 10 and select Event List.
Press the i-key to insert a note.
Change the value1 to C#4.
Change the length to 0:0001
Change the ticks of the inserted note to 1:04:0378.
Do the same in variation Fill In BB.
Go to menu => Window => Live.
Play the style with different chords, variations, fill ins, intro and ending. It is a very simple style, you can make it better later.
Go to menu => Window => Style Editor.
Go to menu => File => Save Style File As.
Give it a name.