Create a style from scratch
This is a workshop to create a new style.
Always load one of the styles that come with One Man Band before creating a new one. Just to be sure eveything is initialised properly.
From the menu choose "File/New style". A dialog window appears, select partname "Main A" and click on the OK button.
Now doubleclick on the trackname of tracknumber 10 in the trackgrid. Specify the trackname "Drums" The default styletrack parameters will appear.
Double click on the column Control Data, the eventslis will appear. Hit the Insert key 4 times. Change the first event to controller type 7 (volume) value 100. Change the next event to controller type 0 value 127 and the next to controller type 32 value 0 (together they define the drumbank in XG). Change the last event to patch accoustic grand piano. and press the return option in the menu.
In the Stylemaker window: click on the Record button and in the popup window click on start. First 4 intro ticks will sound. After this the two beat-indicators will light up simultaneously, this marks the start of a loop. Try hitting some drum sounds on your keyboard and try to stay synchronized with the ticks of the metronome and the beat-indicators. If you think you have got it right then stop before the next loop starts and click on stop. The last loop that contains any recorded events will be the recorded loop. Click on play to hear the result. If you don't like it choose "Track/Wipe" from the menu and try it again. You can add extra events to a track by recording again without wiping the previous recording. When you think your drum track sounds reasonable, try the quantise function to improve it. Choose "Track/Quantise" and select a resolution. Play the result and if it is not what you had in mind than choose "Track/Undo 'Quantise'" and try another resolution.
Now doubleclick on the trackname of tracknr 11 in the trackgrid and type the track name "Bass". Doubleclick on the column Control Data. An empty eventlist appears. Hit the Insert key 4 times and double click on each line that was added. The edit window appears. Change the first event to controller type 7 value 100. Change the second event to controller type 0 value 0. The third to controller 32 value 0 (together they define the General Midi bank in XG). The fourth to patch "35=fretless bass" and click OK and return.
Now record the bass part using only a C key. There is a drum track now so you don't need the metronome anymore select "All instruments" in the window that pops up after pressing the record button.
Quantise this track too. Doubleclick on the column "Transpose type" and change it to "bass".
Doubleclick on tracknr 12. Again add 4 events in the control data for volume=100, bank=0 and patch "percussive organ". Record this track by playing the keys E, G and B a few times simultaneaously.
Record a piano in track 13 by playing the keys C, E and G alternatingly. The transpose type can remain "chords".
Make the part "Fill In AA" now. Choose "Part/New", select partname "Fill In AA", select "settings are identical to Main A", change the length to 1, check Copy events and click OK.
Record some extra beats in the drum track for this fill in.
Choose Part/New, select partname "Main B", select settings are identical to "Main A", change the length to 2, check "Copy events" and click OK. Make an extra recording in track 14 with an electric guitar patch.
Fill in BB is created by copying 1 bar from "Main B" and replacing the drumtrack with that from "Fill In AA". Choose Part/New, select partname "Fill In BB", select settings are identical to "Main B", change the length to 1, check "Copy events" and click OK. Wipe the drum track, we are going to copy that from "Fill In AA". Select part "Fill In AA", click on tracknr 10 and choose menu option"Track/Copy". Select part "Fill In BB" again, click on tracknr 10 and choose menu option "Track/Paste".
Now the intro and ending. Choose "Part/New", select partname "Intro A", select settings are identical to "Main A", change the length to 4, check "Copy events", check "Fill to length" and click OK. Now doubleclick on the events column in tracknr 10 and delete all the drum events in measures 1, 2 and 3 leaving only the events in measure 4. Play a trumpet tune in tracknr 15. Change the transpose type of this track to melody.
Do the same for "Ending A". This time delete the drum events in measure 4 instead of the first 3 measures and also delete the piano events in measure 4 of tracknr 13. Double click on the tracknames of track 10 to 15 and give them a name. The style is finished now, choose "File/Save style" and give it an appropiate name.